Need Premium Free Domain Name And Hosting?
- ok first let you know that today is thursday/march/3 ! this is free premium hosting so they can be stop free registration. if you get you free account then ok.if not then don't be sad we bring more blogs about free hosting.
so you need premium free domain name and hosting with out any credit card hasslefree only with gmail.then this blog can help you to get your best premium hosting for free without any hassle...
- frist we should know about cons and problems
if you read my previous blogs then you may know i always talk about cons frist because if you read pros frist you may get very excited and you may forget to read about cons.
- so what are the cons on x10premium free hosting
- sometime registretions are not working it's may be there secirity system for avoid spaming so don't worry if you getting something like registration error then wait some time to registre a new i will say this is cons because this take times to creat a new account.
- login as well also some times get blocked so user can't login there user page.but don't worry you can bypass this login problem with a trick.
- Trick For Bypass Loging Dealy
- the trick is login from direct_admin panel directly without login their hosting user page.for that you have to get direct_admin link user name and how you will get them!
- when you login to direct_admin panel for first time that will be look like this
- copy the page link for direct login.this page link will diffrent for every copy this page link and keep it to notebook for login without any problem.
2.when you try to login dirctly to your directadmin_panel it will ask for username and get your username and password also !
- cheack mark area there will be your login username for direct_admin panel.keep this because this is not the username that you have given on registration.this username is given defult by hosting previder so you have to keep it in safe place.
- and the password is same as you have given on registration.
- so you have to keep 3 things (your direct_admin panel link with username that given by hosting provider and your password)
- Now Lets Talk About Pros
- 500 mb stroge you can get more free stroge from them if you contact them.
- 3 email account
- 2 mysql database
- unlimeted bandwidth
- free subdomain
- softaculoas installer
the great thing on this free hosting is you can do any thing like premium hosting and if you want to use it for wordpress you can use this because this is fast like premium hosting