If You Want To Use Your Mobile To Write On Pc Then This Blog For You
There Are Many Kind Of Sofware That Help You To Write On Pc With Your Android Or Iso Phone !
But they may have connection some issue or desconnetion issue but in this blog i share with you best software that help you to write or type on your pc with your android or ios without any problem!
What You Need To Use This Software Properly
1/any keybord that better for you
2/you have to download server software for your pc
3/you have to downoad software for your android or ios
So the sodtware name is unified remote !
if you have problem to get this by searching on google then you can use liink to get this !
Click Here To Get Unified Remote
After complete install on pc and phone now open the pc server fast then open your mobile app !
on the mobile app click on 3line menu and click on server then you will find you pc server name click and connect that after complete connection again click on 3line menu and click on besic input ! there you will find mouse pad and keybord options.so you can wite with their defult keybord or you can use your won best keybord to type ! i will say use your android or ios keybord for better result ! if you use your android keybord or ios keybord then you can use mouse and keybord together.thays mean you won't have to open and close your keybord to use mouse pad.its makes your writing experience better.
Is there any kind of issu or slow typeing problem?
No there are no issue on this if you use this may be you can write or type faster than your pc or laptop keyboard